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Tips for Writing a College Application Essay: One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay thumbnail

Tips for Writing a College Application Essay: One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay

Published Oct 18, 23
6 min read

Are you a high school graduate from Westfield, NJ, wondering how to unleash your college application potential? Look no further! New Bridge Educational Consulting is here to offer one-on-one guidance and support for your college application journey. With their comprehensive approach to college application essay assistance, they help students navigate the process and submit their best essays. Whether it's developing a personalized application essay, receiving expert feedback, or writing unique supplementary essays, New Bridge has you covered. Let's dive into the world of college applications and discover how their services can benefit you.

College Application Essay Assistance: Overview and Benefits

New Bridge Educational Consulting provides top-notch college application essay assistance to high school graduates. Their main goal is to help students successfully navigate the complex process of college applications and submit compelling essays that stand out to admissions officers.

With their one-on-one support, New Bridge aims to educate students about the college application essay genre, assist in brainstorming unique and engaging topics, provide guidance in outlining and editing, and offer feedback from a national-level writer. The personalized approach ensures that each student receives the attention and support they need to craft a powerful and authentic essay.

In addition to the main application essay, New Bridge also assists students in writing unique supplementary essays required by selective colleges. These essays allow students to showcase their individuality and highlight specific interests and experiences relevant to their college choices.

New Bridge Educational Consulting is committed to providing holistic and individualized counseling. Their team of experts, including co-founder and lead counselor Stephanie Bartling with over 25 years of experience, has extensive expertise in admissions, college counseling, educational administration, and academic support. You can trust that you are in capable hands throughout the college application process.

If you have already written an essay and want expert feedback, New Bridge offers a college essay review service. Their detailed feedback focuses on style, voice, clarity, and story logic to help students strengthen their essays. With the expertise of professional reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, along with the contribution of essay coaching expert Harry Bauld (author of "On Writing the College Application Essay"), students receive valuable insights and guidance to improve their essays.

College Application Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Process

The process of writing a college application essay can be overwhelming, but with New Bridge Educational Consulting by your side, it becomes a comprehensive and manageable journey. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved:

Step 1: Educating Students on the Genre

Before diving into essay writing, it's crucial to understand the unique genre of college application essays. New Bridge Educational Consulting takes the time to educate students about the expectations, structure, and purpose of these essays. By understanding the genre, students can approach their essays with confidence and clarity.

Step 2: Brainstorming Topics

Choosing the right topic for a college application essay requires thoughtful consideration. New Bridge encourages students to think deeply about their experiences, interests, and values to identify topics that resonate with their personal journeys. Through brainstorming sessions, students uncover compelling stories and ideas that reflect their authentic selves.

Step 3: Outlining

A well-structured essay is essential for capturing the attention of admissions officers. New Bridge guides students in creating a strong outline that ensures a cohesive flow of ideas and a logical progression of the essay. With a solid foundation, students can confidently start writing their drafts.

Step 4: Editing and Feedback

Writing the first draft is just the beginning. New Bridge's team of experts, including national-level writers, is there to provide valuable feedback and help students refine their essays. They offer detailed editing services, focusing on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. With their guidance, students can polish their essays to perfection.

Step 5: Supplementary Essays

In addition to the main application essay, many colleges require students to submit supplementary essays. These essays provide an opportunity to showcase specific interests, experiences, or qualifications that align with the college's values or programs. New Bridge assists students in writing these unique and tailored supplementary essays to increase their chances of admission to selective colleges.

The Role of College Essay Review and Expert Evaluation

Writing a strong college application essay requires not only the guidance and support of knowledgeable professionals but also expert feedback and evaluation. This is where New Bridge Educational Consulting's college essay review service comes into play.

The college essay review service is designed for students who have already written their essays and seek expert evaluation to enhance their writing. By submitting their essays to New Bridge, students receive detailed feedback on style, voice, clarity, and story logic. This feedback is invaluable in pinpointing areas for improvement and strengthening the overall impact of the essay.

Expert reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling bring their professional writing expertise and extensive knowledge of college admissions to the essay review service. Their insights and recommendations contribute to the development of a compelling and persuasive essay that can captivate admissions officers.

In addition to the expertise of Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, New Bridge also collaborates with renowned essay coaching expert, Harry Bauld. With his vast experience and expertise in the college application essay genre, Harry Bauld provides valuable insights and guidance to students through the essay review service.

By utilizing the college essay review service, students can identify areas of improvement, strengthen their essays, and increase their chances of acceptance into their dream colleges.

Getting Your Best College Essay: Maximizing Your Application

Your college application essay is a crucial component of your overall application. It provides admissions officers with a glimpse into your personality, experiences, and aspirations. To maximize your application, consider the following tips:

1. Start early: Don't leave your essay writing until the last minute. Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, write, and edit your essay. Starting early allows for a more thoughtful and polished final product.

2. Be authentic: Your college essay should reflect your unique voice and experiences. Avoid trying to impress admissions officers by writing what you think they want to hear. Instead, focus on sharing a genuine and personal story that showcases your individuality.

3. Show, don't tell: Rather than listing your achievements or qualities, demonstrate them through vivid storytelling and specific examples. This will make your essay more engaging and memorable.

4. Seek feedback: Don't hesitate to ask for feedback from trusted mentors, teachers, or professionals. Their insights can provide valuable perspectives and help you refine your essay.

5. Edit and revise: Writing is a process. After completing a draft, go through multiple rounds of editing and revisions to ensure clarity, coherence, and impeccable grammar.

By following these tips and utilizing the services of New Bridge Educational Consulting, you can submit your best college essay and position yourself for success in the college admissions process.

What does New Bridge Educational Consulting offer for college application essay assistance?

New Bridge Educational Consulting offers one-on-one support for students in developing a personalized application essay. They provide guidance in understanding the genre, brainstorming topics, outlining, editing, and receiving feedback from a national-level writer. They also assist with writing unique supplementary essays required by selective colleges. Additionally, they offer a college essay review service for expert feedback on already written essays.

Who are the experts involved in New Bridge's college essay review service?

The college essay review service at New Bridge Educational Consulting is led by expert reviewers Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling. Additionally, the renowned essay coaching expert Harry Bauld contributes his expertise to the process. Their professional writing and admissions knowledge provide valuable feedback and guidance to help students strengthen their essays.
Essay Editing

Essay Editing: College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process

Essay Editing College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process
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College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process

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